I think Manboy at http://feckthisshit.com/about/ is my biggest fan. He’s nominated me for four awards. Once again I recommend his blog – funny and entertaining. And often thoroughly gross. But never boring.

This is my response for being nominated for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award.

The rules of the award are as follows:

1. Display the award logo on your blog.
2. Link back to the person who nominated you.
3. State 7 things about yourself.
4. Nominate 7 other bloggers for this award and link to them.
5. Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award’s requirements.

I have to say seven things about myself.  Seven. One thing is enough. The rest will be about Don, since it’s his blog too, and about other people.

1. It’s possible that these days I spend more time on the computer than swimming in the ocean and walking on the beach, even though I’m staying on a beach in Thailand. This would be sad except that I’m thoroughly enjoying myself.

2. My husband rocks!

3. Indian people are really friendly and open-hearted. I love this. I love them.

4. My sister Julie and brother-in-law Robbie are great travelling companions. Link to Julie’s photography site: http://juliegarran.com

5. Don doesn’t like transitions even though, being nomads, we do them, you know, all the time.

6. Don is a hero at taking care of all the travel details while I do the blog.

7. Sisters and nieces – Carol and Megan, Julie and Ellie, Suzanne and Sarah. Lucky me. (All the guys are wonderful too but I wanted to say hi to the fabulous women of my immediate family). Link to Suzanne’s photography site: http://zannastrongphotography.com

I love these blogs:

http://fromdaptotovisaginas.wordpress.com – a travel blog from a couple of Aussies. Apart from the fact that it makes a good read, and they’re currently travelling where we’ll likely go next year, one of them comes from Canberra. I have to recommend a blog by someone from my home town.

http://whatshouldfigureskaterscallme.tumblr.com – only applies if you skate or are a fan of figure skating. It’s hilarious.

http://tandemasia.wordpress.com – I’ve nominated this blog also for the Liebster blog award. They rode a tandem bike around SE Asia. Stopped traffic!

http://ilenehartconsulting.blogspot.com – a counsellor and life coach, an old friend, and most important a truly wise human being with a big heart.

http://corinalazarescu.wordpress.com/about/ – A  university student studying communication and public relations in Romania – that much Romanian I can understand. And a passion for photography. Can’t read Romanian but I enjoy the photographs.

http://whiskeytangofoxtrot4.wordpress.com/about/ – I think she lives in my Canadian home town, or close to it. She’s a great writer even though she says she’s not a writer. And fabulous photographs. I love the whole feel of this blog.

http://thefeastofthefeminine.blogspot.com – Moni, a truly wise human being. Short sweet posts. Beautiful photography. If you need an Eckhart Tolle fix, or a Moni fix, this is the place for you.

Blogging’s a funny business. These days everyone has a blog. And wants everyone to read it. But I know people are busy, have their own lives to live. If anyone is inspired by my blog, or the blogs I recommend, that’s a wonderful thing, but heck, I know even my family and closest friends don’t always (or ever?) read my blog. They’re too busy having a life. And that’s ok. For those of you who do read it. Thank you. I love to put it together, but it’s wonderful to have an audience. I’m thrilled to have been nominated for awards. Perhaps I’m doing something right, something people can enjoy, something a little bit interesting, a little bit inspiring. I hope so.

All words and images by Alison Louise Armstrong unless otherwise noted.
© Alison Louise Armstrong and Adventures in Wonderland – a pilgrimage of the heart, 2010-2015.